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Provider Budget Routing

Use this to set budgets for LLM Providers - example $100/day for OpenAI, $100/day for Azure.

Quick Start​

Set provider budgets in your proxy_config.yaml file

Proxy Config setup​

- model_name: gpt-3.5-turbo
model: openai/gpt-3.5-turbo
api_key: os.environ/OPENAI_API_KEY

budget_limit: 0.000000000001 # float of $ value budget for time period
time_period: 1d # can be 1d, 2d, 30d, 1mo, 2mo
budget_limit: 100
time_period: 1d
budget_limit: 100
time_period: 10d
budget_limit: 100
time_period: 12d
budget_limit: 100
time_period: 12d

# OPTIONAL: Set Redis Host, Port, and Password if using multiple instance of LiteLLM
redis_host: os.environ/REDIS_HOST
redis_port: os.environ/REDIS_PORT
redis_password: os.environ/REDIS_PASSWORD

master_key: sk-1234

Make a test request​

We expect the first request to succeed, and the second request to fail since we cross the budget for openai

Langchain, OpenAI SDK Usage Examples

curl -i http://localhost:4000/v1/chat/completions \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer sk-1234" \
-d '{
"model": "gpt-4o",
"messages": [
{"role": "user", "content": "hi my name is test request"}

How provider budget routing works​

  1. Budget Tracking:

    • Uses Redis to track spend for each provider
    • Tracks spend over specified time periods (e.g., "1d", "30d")
    • Automatically resets spend after time period expires
  2. Routing Logic:

    • Routes requests to providers under their budget limits
    • Skips providers that have exceeded their budget
    • If all providers exceed budget, raises an error
  3. Supported Time Periods:

    • Seconds: "Xs" (e.g., "30s")
    • Minutes: "Xm" (e.g., "10m")
    • Hours: "Xh" (e.g., "24h")
    • Days: "Xd" (e.g., "1d", "30d")
    • Months: "Xmo" (e.g., "1mo", "2mo")
  4. Requirements:

    • Redis required for tracking spend across instances
    • Provider names must be litellm provider names. See Supported Providers

Monitoring Provider Remaining Budget​

Get Budget, Spend Details​

Use this endpoint to check current budget, spend and budget reset time for a provider

Example Request

curl -X GET http://localhost:4000/provider/budgets \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer sk-1234"

Example Response

"providers": {
"openai": {
"budget_limit": 1e-12,
"time_period": "1d",
"spend": 0.0,
"budget_reset_at": null
"azure": {
"budget_limit": 100.0,
"time_period": "1d",
"spend": 0.0,
"budget_reset_at": null
"anthropic": {
"budget_limit": 100.0,
"time_period": "10d",
"spend": 0.0,
"budget_reset_at": null
"vertex_ai": {
"budget_limit": 100.0,
"time_period": "12d",
"spend": 0.0,
"budget_reset_at": null

Prometheus Metric​

LiteLLM will emit the following metric on Prometheus to track the remaining budget for each provider

This metric indicates the remaining budget for a provider in dollars (USD)

litellm_provider_remaining_budget_metric{api_provider="openai"} 10

Multi-instance setup​

If you are using a multi-instance setup, you will need to set the Redis host, port, and password in the proxy_config.yaml file. Redis is used to sync the spend across LiteLLM instances.

- model_name: gpt-3.5-turbo
model: openai/gpt-3.5-turbo
api_key: os.environ/OPENAI_API_KEY

budget_limit: 0.000000000001 # float of $ value budget for time period
time_period: 1d # can be 1d, 2d, 30d, 1mo, 2mo

# 👇 Add this: Set Redis Host, Port, and Password if using multiple instance of LiteLLM
redis_host: os.environ/REDIS_HOST
redis_port: os.environ/REDIS_PORT
redis_password: os.environ/REDIS_PASSWORD

master_key: sk-1234

Spec for provider_budget_config​

The provider_budget_config is a dictionary where:

  • Key: Provider name (string) - Must be a valid LiteLLM provider name
  • Value: Budget configuration object with the following parameters:
    • budget_limit: Float value representing the budget in USD
    • time_period: Duration string in one of the following formats:
      • Seconds: "Xs" (e.g., "30s")
      • Minutes: "Xm" (e.g., "10m")
      • Hours: "Xh" (e.g., "24h")
      • Days: "Xd" (e.g., "1d", "30d")
      • Months: "Xmo" (e.g., "1mo", "2mo")

Example structure:

budget_limit: 100.0 # $100 USD
time_period: "1d" # 1 day period
budget_limit: 500.0 # $500 USD
time_period: "30d" # 30 day period
budget_limit: 200.0 # $200 USD
time_period: "1mo" # 1 month period
budget_limit: 50.0 # $50 USD
time_period: "24h" # 24 hour period